Thursday, November 4, 2010

Not So Fast

Recently I have found myself neglecting my writing.  I haven't been busy.  I've had hundreds of new moments to explore and regurgitate to all that are willing to read it.  I have been through a complex cocktail of emotion, but not one new post in way too long.

After a lot of thinking... meditating... wondering, I'm still not certain what caused this climactic disconnect. The desire has been there, but neglect found it's way in, pushing desire further and further.  Over the course of weeks, I realized a part of me needed this.  There's something about writing that makes some tiny, minuscule part of my brain feel a sense of relief. 

So what do you write about now that you've finally decided to write again?  Funny enough, it would be writing about writing.  Yes, I am aware that it is terribly redundant and disappointing, but it's happening and I'm not gonna stop now.


  1. Not to worry. I write about writing all the time. Other writers seem to like it.

  2. Do you know how many novels involve a writer as a main character? Plenty. Hemingway comes to mind. Betcha he couldn't believe that people wanted to read about writing either.

    Besides you can't stop now. We're addicts!

  3. Not as much redundant as it is inherently postmodern.
