Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Only in Amer-ica (you know how it's said)

Americans live in an unrivaled state of opportunity.  We have the world at our fingertips.  I love that.

From time to time I do get a little frustrated with the state of this country, and now and again I do find myself thinking, " Come on reeeeally America?", but I can never take away the great land of opportunity.

We have afforded the ability to want nice things... to enjoy the nicer things in life... to be choosers and not beggars, right?

And this is why Americans have it good.  The other day I had just finished dinner and began walking around Indianapolis.  I walk through an alley I'm familiar with (it's near where I work) and I see the "American-Dream" right in front of me.  I couldn't quite understand what I was looking at but it didn't matter, it was happening. There he was in all his glory, a homeless guy drinking Corona with a lime in it.

It's not every day you get to enjoy this kind of present from above.  I was most amazed by the fact that he was 3 beers into the 6 pack of Corona and each beer on the ground had a lime in it!

Corona is about $9 for a 6 pack, give or take where you're purchasing it.  He could have bought a lot more alcohol for the money he spent on that beer. That homeless George Hamilton decided on taste over sensation... or even frugalness... or maybe someone gave him them?  Either way it was hilarious and he was simply in heaven... or he was drinking beer and getting wasted alone in an alley.

I don't know, but God bless Amer-ica.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's just too bad he didn't have a nice billboard with majestic, tropical scenery to admire. However, I'm sure the homeless have a great grasp on imagination.
